Our School » Grades and Grading Scale

Grades and Grading Scale


Letter grades (A,B,C,D,F) are reported for all content areas for students.

Grades reflect a student's mastery of materials and activities as judged by teacher observation, daily assignments, and tests. Good work habits are essential to good grades.  Independent study in school and at home is necessary.  Students must assume responsibility for completion of all assignments.

Parents can help by providing a quiet place for children to study and read at home.  Encourage your child to do well in school.  Look for the good things that he/she can do, and praise your child for his/her accomplishments.  Keep in contact with your child's teacher.  Frequent parent-teacher contacts by telephone and/or conference will prove beneficial to your child's success in school and the student-teacher-parent relationship.


100 - 93         A

 92 - 85          B

 84 - 75          C

 74 - 67          D

 66 - 0            F